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St. Patrick's Academy
Ballinderry Rd, Lisburn BT28 1TD

Key Stage 3
Not available at Key Stage 3.

Key Stage 4
Not available at Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 5
Awarding Body: CCEA
Course Codes: QAN 601/8374/3 QAN 601/8375/5
Location: St. Colm’s High School
Specific Entry Requirements: Students must have obtained grade C in GCSE English and History
Course Content: There are two units at AS and two units at A2:
AS 1 - The Government and Politics of Northern Ireland (16% of A Level course)
AS 2 - The British Political Process (24% of A Level course)
A2 1 - Comparative Government: Britain and the Republic of Ireland (35% of A Level course)
A2 2 - Political Power (25% of A Level course)
Assessment Methods: 100% Examination
Progression: There are many challenging and interesting careers followed by students of Government and Politics – media, journalism, public relations, advertising, civil service, law, lecturing and teaching.
Many with a strong interest in the subject go on to careers in politics itself or as political researchers. Government and Politics offers the opportunity to study a wide range of courses in further and higher education and the prospect of interesting and rewarding careers. Employers value the range of skills that are developed in studying this subject.
Through studying Government and Politics, you will have the opportunity to increase your self-confidence and develop the skills necessary to locate information, to evaluate evidence, to present your point of view both clearly and coherently both orally and in written form. These skills are readily transferable and will serve you well both in further education and in future employment.