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St. Patrick's Academy
Ballinderry Rd, Lisburn BT28 1TD

Key Stage 3
The KS3 RE Curriculum at St Patrick’s is broad and varied. We endeavour to enthuse and engage students as they focus on really important 21st century ethical issues such as climate change and world poverty. We also equip students to understand the links between Christian faith and scientific advancements when teaching about the Origins of the world. Our Curriculum enables students to explore other faith backgrounds encouraging tolerance and respect in our growing multi-faith society. As a school we strive to inspire a love of learning in the lower key stages, through our use of many different teaching strategies, this includes use of ICT and role-play when learning about the Miracles of Jesus. This is a fun and engaging way to help students attain a deeper understanding of Gospel values and therefore get more out of their learning journey. Across KS3 clear links to Biblical scripture and Church Teaching are explored and identified. KS3 is therefore of the upmost importance as the crucial foundation on which KS4 develops.

Key Stage 4
The OCR NI Level 2 Award and Certificate in Religious Studies are designed for learners who wish to develop knowledge and understanding in religious studies in order to make sense of religious choices people make in today’s society.
It is intended that learners will develop empathy, respect and awareness of other religious beliefs and cultural diversity.
By continuous assessment through building a portfolio, learners will be more motivated and engaged to successfully complete the qualification.
All pupils in St. Patrick’s will have Religious Education as a vital part of their curriculum in year 11 and year 12.
We are endeavouring at all times to prepare our pupils for the necessary requirements of fulfilling their role as adult Christians in a modern world.
The Religious Education Department offers a G.C.S.E. course in the subject.
(a) Mark’s Gospel
(b) An Introduction to Catholic Ethics
Grades available A* – G

Key Stage 5
A level Religious Studies is 100% examination based and has no coursework component. Exams are spread throughout the two year course.
St Patrick’s Academy offers the following two modules:
The Early Church
Ethics and Society
Religion plays an important role in our society and can influence what people think, feel, and believe. Through studying Religious Studies, students get a broad look at how religion and spirituality form the basis of our culture.
Religious Studies also helps students develop marketable skills and aptitudes including:
analytical and strategic thinking;
research skills;
critical judgement;
the ability to work with abstract, conceptual ideas;
an ability to 'understand both sides' and negotiate and resolve conflict;
problem-solving skills;
leadership skills;
understanding of the impact of conflicting ideologies; and
an appreciation of human diversity, belief systems, cultural and spiritual experiences